Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013

HAPPY SHREDDING!! I shred the old files from January to December 2012.!!

March 26, 2013

My task is IiP speaker's Evaluation form, After that Ma'am Edz told me to make a receiving copy of WAVE certificate. I route WAVE certificate into different department. I post Announcement slip in Bio-metric ...

March 25, 2013

My task for the day is IiP Speaker's Evaluation, ICF and Program evaluation form tagging. And I route invitation for Train the Trainers into chosen person..

March 22, 2013

I come early in the office because we have a seminar entitled "Work Attitude and Values Enhancement" This is the 2nd time to assisted me in that program. A lot of learning you gain from this kind of seminar especially our speaker Ms.Lia Bernardo is a very professional person "Good job Ms.Lia"

March 21, 2013

My task for the day is IiP tagging ICF,Speaker's and Program evaluation form, March 18 AM and PM session then March 19 PM session. After that I go to CHBC 14th floor, Auditorium 1 to watch Quarterly social "It's More Fun In St.Luke's"  "Congratulations TEAM HRD CHAMPION"

March 19, 2013

I assisted Sir Jacob for our program IiP "Investors in People" . Our participants almost 100+ attendees . I do a lot like calling the housekeeper because the chair is not enough the participants then I phone brigade the WAVE Follow Through..  "TOXIC"

March 18, 2013

Sir Jacob told me to phone brigade the WAVE Follow Through into chosen person. Ma'am Edz ask me to deliver the certificate to Ms. Irene to Medical Arts Building for their signature. And I type the ICF form of IiP.

March 15, 2013

I come early in the office because we have a program entitled WAVE I assist Ma'am Bless of that program in a whole day session.. "PROFESSIONALISM" "FIRST IMPRESSIONS LAST" -

March 14, 2013

I encode the ISF Day3 Speaker's Evaluation form etc.. "I LOVE THIS DAY! "

March 13, 2013

Ma'am Czar gave a task which the Speaker's Evaluation of ISF from day1 to day2 , After that Sir Jacob told me to phone brigade the WAVE Follow Through into chosen person. Ma'am Emie of VP-HR told me to deliver the important envelope to shuttle of SLMC going to SLMC Global City :))) yahoo!

March 12, 2013

I route Training calendar and invitation (2nd quarter 2013) in all department and division of SLMC. After I route I set the venue of Medical Arts Building, HRI and HRII to re-arrange the bulletin calendar schedule. :)

March 11, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to make a ICF,Program evaluation,Speaker's evaluation of IiP March 8 AM session after that Ma'am Czar ask me to reproduce 150 copies of Training Calendar and invitation (2nd quarter 2013) After I photocopy I staple it. Ma'am Edz ask to claim the Event order form to Vp's Office then photocopy and releasing order form into Food and Nutrition. The next is the bulletin calendar for April. ;)

March 8, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to make a ICF,Speaker's Evaluation and Program Evaluation of IiP March 7, Pm sessiong, and make a TTW certificate, And I bundle ISF handbook and quiz and I check the things that need in ISF for monday! :)

March 7, 2013

I route WAVE vertificate into chosen department. After I route I clean my table.. :)) Yun lang !! haha

March 6, 2013

I route WAVE in all division and department of SLMC. I did not yet finish my routing task before lunch because other department was closed, In the afternoon I route the Iip memo in all department of SLMC, I route, route, route until I finish my task :)  yeeepeee!!!

March 5, 2013

Ma'am Czar and I we attach and staple the program evaluation (200) copies. After we finished Ma'am Cynthia told me to go Employees Health Clinic for the signature of Dr.Siozon. After that I go to Medical Arts Building to deliver the program evaluation and I continue my pending task was did not yet finish. I continue the IiP February 27 PM session..

March 1, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to route the ISF invitation for speaker. I route all the memo in chosen departments. After I route Sir jacob ask me to route the WAVE form with her, we go to specific department and Sir Jacob ask the Manager of every department about the WAVE ...

February 28, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to tally the IiP Pm session ,Speaker's Evaluation,Program and ICF. But my task was not yet finish because I do first the important things than IiP I route ISF2 invitation into specific departments.

February 27, 2013

Today is last day of my Co-OJT Jaja .. I shred disposing paper in a whole day :) Happy Shredding !

February 26, 2013

I do the IiP AM and PM session, Speaker's Evaluation,Program and ICF in Am session I easy to do because the participants is a;so 49 than PM session of Iip is almost 70. After I do that Ma'am Bless told me to route the invitation for graduation into different department. Ma'am Edz told me to attach the Training Broadcast to Bio-metric. After I attach the Training broadcast Ma'am Czar told me to finish the Speaker's Evaluation form from day2 to day 3:)

February 25, 2013

I come early in Medical Arts Building, I set the laptop and projector especially the attendance sheet and manual of IiP, because today is IiP program. Ma'am Bless assigned me in the program from 8:00 to 5:00pm whole day session of program. I assisted Ma'am if what they need and I gave IiP ball pen into the participants who recite the topic especially if they answered is correct. I enjoyed this program because I learned something of that program..

February 22, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to prepare a ball pen, set of crayons and pencil and their I.D, for their program WAVE after I came College of Medicine I back in office, while in a office Jaja and me was phone brigade for IiP march 1, but the coming event IiP for march 1 was cancelled. so all the employees will inform about that they inform again that IiP for march 1 was cancelled..

February 21, 2013

Ma'am Czar told me to shred the old papers, and Ma'am Edz told me to reproduce the evaluation form into 100 copies and prepare a 100 copies of short bond paper. :) "THUG2ONE"

February 20, 2013

Yesterday like today :)) Program evaluation,ICF,Speaker's evaluation of ISF2.. I clean my table and I separate the ball pen, clip etc..

February 19, 2013

Ma'am Czar told me to make a prog.eval.ICF,Speaker's eval. of ISF2 and Sir Jacob gave a task is to make a Prog.Eval.ICF,Speaker's eval. of WAVE "Work Attitude and Values Enhancement" Ma'am Edz told me to route the request form to TISS and Housekeeping. After I route I do again the ISF2 day2.. :))

February 18, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me about ISF day4, to make a program evaluation ,Speaker's eval. and ICF. After I've done my next task is TQM like ISF is to make ICF,Program eval,Speaker's eval. :))

February 15, 2013

I come early in the morning in office because I assigned to facilitate the TQM program . Ma'am Czar set the laptop and projector and I set the manuals of TQM, attendance sheet, I.D's etc. The participants of TQM is 12 only I assisted Ma'am Ana if what they want about the TQM program.

February 13, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to tally the program evaluation of ISF day1 and day2 while I'll typing Ma'am Cynthia told me to go to AMSD College of Medicine 11th floor to claim the important letter to Ma'am Myla and Sir Jacob told me to photocopy the ISF2 manual into 20 copies Sir Jacob told me to prepare the things that need in TQM program on February 15, 2013

February 6, 2013

I do the ECCM Prog.Eval.Speaker's Eval. and ICF. After i do the following Ma'am Cynthia told me to go purchasing department to claim the important memo. Ma'am Edz told me to photocopy the housekeeping request form and Food and Nutrition request form.

February 5, 2013

I route the IiP invitation and ISF for speaker's. I route alone because my Co-OJT Jaja was attend in At your Service program. After jaja's attend the program she go back in the office and I attend ECCM program. I learned how to handle a simple complain and I learned a lot from the speaker like different types of customers.

February 4, 2013

I come early in the morning because this day we have a program titled Investors in People in Medical Arts Building, I set the computer and projector and I assisted the program. After i came the seminar Sir Jacob told me to prepare the crayons,pencil,drawing paper because have a team building tomorrow and that things is the material for team building tomorrow.

January 31, 2013

Today is last day of ISF Batch2. Ma'am Czar told me to dry seal the  certificate of ISF. The graduating participants told me to dance CHA-CHA but I not Dance hehe! but I joined the game. Ma'am Czar told me to fold the ISF grade slip and attach to greeting card.. "I LOVE THIS BATCH OF ISF"

January 30, 2013

Ma'am Czar told me to prepare an Ice Breaker. And my Activity for the ISF is "Get to Know" I was laughing because of ISF participants was very enjoyed and cooperation. This game is so beautiful because you know each other in a little bit of their selves. After the very laughing Ice Breaker Ma'am Cynthia and Sir Jacob told me to make a PowePointPresentation . And this presentation is very important because Ma'am Irene's presentation the HR-TDED Department Manager :)) Hahahah!!!

January 29, 2013

Sir Jacob told me to photocopy the IiP manual into 9 copies. This manual is important for their meeting. After I photocopy Ma'am Bless told me to route the Training transcript into different department of Division of Ancillary Service or "DAS" After routing I Ice-Breaker in ISF and my activities for their participants is Get to know each other"

January 28, 2013

Ma'am Bless told me to continue my task that was did not finish yesterday, were I have to type the employee of HR Training and to print it. I'm happy because the task that gave to me was already done. :))

January 25, 2013

Ma'am Bless told me to continue my task was did not yet finish yesterday is to type the name of employee into HR Training attendance and to print it. While I'll typing Ma'am Czar told me to print the ISF I.D and laminate it. And Ma'am Cynthia told me to go the VP office of Finance to claim the discount letter, After that I'll continue my work is to type and to print the name of employee.

January 24, 2013

Ma'am Czar told me to reproduce 6 copy of ISF manual, and Ma'am Bless told me to cut the long bond paper into short because the short bond paper was run up, After I cut the bond paper, Ma'am Bless told me to continue the Training transcript.   

January 23, 2013

Ma'am Bless told me to type the training transcript of employee into HR training attendance and to print it. Ma'am Cynthia told me to go the OPRES "Office of the President" to claim the memo, After I claim the memo , Sir Jacob ask me to reproduce 15 copy of memo.

January 22, 2013

We route the training transcript into different department with my Co-OJT karla, After routing Ma'am Bless told me to route again the training transcript was did not yet finish before lunch, And sir Jacob told me to photocopy the memo. Ma'am Czar told me to go Transport department to deliver the ISF manual.

January 21, 2013

We route the Training transcript with my Co-OJT Karla in all department of SLMC. Ma'am Bless told me to photocopy the training transcript front page, and sir Jacob told me to photocopy the memo.

January 18, 2013

I came early in the morning in the office because we have a program titled "At Your Service!" and ECCM. I go to Medical Arts Building with Ma'am Czar to set the program and to start it. This is the first time to attend me of that kind program and I'm really happy because I learned a lot from the speaker Sir Mon. "Thank you Sir"

January 17, 2013

We continue routing of ISF2 invitation and IiP into different department with my Co-OJT karla, After we route the invitation and IiP, Sir Jacob told me to go the Supply Chain Division or SCD to release the executive form to Ma'am Merlin, And Ma'am Cynthia told me to claim their result in CHBC 12th floor.

January 16, 2013

Early in the morning Ma'am Bless told me to route the ISF invitation and IiP into all Department and Division of SLMC. I teach how to route into my Co-OJT karla because She's  first time to route a memo!

January 15, 2013

We cut the ISF certificate and we check the ISF final examination with my Co-OJT Karla and Ma'am Czar told me to cut the ISF examination results. And this is the graduation of ISF Batch 1. We watch the ISF Graduation w/ Karla and this is the second time to watch ISF graduation. "More Food More Fun!"

January 14, 2013

Ma'am Czar told me to photocopy the ECCM booklet after I photocopy the ECCM booklet I staple it. Ma'am Bless told me to cut the "LIKE" sign and this is the first day of my new Co-OJT Karla. "She's Beautiful ! :))

January 11, 2013

Sir Jacob told me to put reminder remarks on 12 packs of pencil. After I put reminder remarks I sharpen it until I finish the task. Ma'am Bless told me to route a memo into different department and Ma'am Cynthia ask me to go X-Ray room to claim their X-Ray result.

January 10, 2013

My first task is to route a memo into Purchasing department, After I route the memo Sir Jacob & Ma'am Bless told me to route again into different department, Ma'am Cynthia ask me to photocopy the memo. After I done my task Ma'am Czar told me to facilitate the ongoing ISF program. :) "

January 9, 2013

Sir Jacob ask me to claim the food in Food and Nutrition, After I claim the food, Ma'am Bless told me to route the ISF2 invitation into different department include Application form for IMD. Ma'am Czar told me to re-change the ISF book from the other page into updated page of book. And I laminate the I.D of ISF

January 7, 2013

Ma'am Czar told me to route the ISF invitation for speaker into selected division and department. After I route the ISF invitation for speaker Ma'am Bless told me to route the WAVE invation into different department :)

January 4, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to photocopy the memo and Ma'am Czar told me to staple the IiP invitation. After we done Ma'am Czar told me to route the IiP memo into different division. Where I middle of routing the guard of SLMC is told me to go the In-house security Department because Ma'am Edz & Czar told the guard to find me because all the memo was I release in to need to correct because the memo was re-schedule so all the memo was I release is to need to claim :)

January 3, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to route the Training calendar into different division and Department. After routing Ma'am Cynthia ask me to re-type the memo in Ms Excel and to print it. My Co-OJT Nica&Ally ask me to how to improve the bulletin board of TDED and I'll give advise to them. :)

January 2, 2013

Ma'am Edz told me to re-attach the ISF program to new folder and to pint the January to December 2012 poster in maricon paper. Ma'am Czar told me to make a new I.D in Ms Office application and after that I laminate it Ma'am Cynthia and Ma'am Edz told me to photocopy a memo. "HAPPY NEW YEAR SLMC" :)

December 28, 2012

I re-arrange the bulletin board of TDED with my co-ojt Owel and Alaine, After re-arrange the bulletin board Ma'am Edz told me to route the Training Calendar into different department of 4th & 5th floor of main building.

December 27, 2012

Sir Jacob told me to route the training calendar into different Vp-Offices. After I route the calendar, Ma'am Czar told me to route the ISF certificate into different department and after I route sir Jacob told me to encode the name of ISF participant last 2009

December 26, 2012

Ma'am Bless told me to dictate the name of employee to encode in their computer. And I print the 1st quarter of training calendar, After I print the calendar I photocopy the memo of training calendar and also I staple it :)

December 21, 2012

Today is Christmas party of Training Development & Education department :)) MERRY CHRISTMAS

December 20, 2012

My Co-OJT told me to make a design for bulletin board and to help. I search design layout and style and gave it to my co-ojt alaine . Ma'am Czar told me to photocopy the memo and also i staple it. Ma'am Czar we were ask to dry seal the ISF certifcate and we cut the ISF. ;))

December 17, 2012

I continued encoding the CTS schedule for next year. After I done with the calendar I print it and then I also photocopy it. Sir Jacob told me to ask the other employee if they will also ride in the coaster

December 14, 2012

Sir Jacob told me to check the examination of ISF. After that I photocopy the CTS schedule in the calendar and to print it. After wards I attend to ISF graduation with my co-ojt Gelic and Ally and this is the last day of ISF program for this year, I also join the game Pinoy henyo and also it is my first time to attend. It so quite special :)

December 13, 2012

Sir Jacob told me to check the ISF examination and to encode it of their score in examination into Microsoft office Excel. And he gave a task to route the policies into different department. After checking, encoding and routing he gave a another task is to post the "Announcement slip"  into bulletin board and biometric. Ma'am Czar told me to deliver the ISF certificate to the shuttle bus of SLMC . The ISF certificate will deliver into Global City, The purpose is to sign the certificate that need tomorrow for ISF graduation. ;)

December 12, 2012

They Ice-Breaker again together with Gelic in ISF program and the activity is titled "Query Top Pick Edition" and this is the 2nd time to facilitate the Ice-Breaker and the feeling of anxiety was diminished/decreased a bit. After to facilitate Ice-Breaker, Ma'am Czar told me to laminate the ISF I.D After lunch Sir Jacob told us to make a poster about "Change Management Workshop" after we finished the poster I posted it to the bulletin board of Corporate Training Section (CTS) 

December 11, 2012

Sir Jacob told me about "ICE BREAKER" he told me to search a game for ISF. I search the game titled "Show and tell" this game is to know each other and to share something about their life. After searching a game we attend the ISF program to listen the important topic that we discuss.

After lunch I ready my self to start the game in HR II, I'm nervous because this is the first time to stand in front of many people. I don't feel nervous when I started to stand in front, because the participants cooperate to the activities that we gave to them. Sir Jacob told us to route the policies. :))

December 10, 2012

My first task is to laminate the ISF I.D of newly hired employee and this is my first time to use the laminating machine. It was followed of routing of policies on Ancillary Division and other department.

After lunch I route the ISF certificate into different department which are Admission,Renal Audit,Eye Institute2,Biomedical Engineering,AMSD. This is my first time to route alone. :)

December 6, 2012

I'll continued the task yesterday which is to do the routing of memo, After which, Ma'am Edz told us to sort old files and to dispose those files dated November 2012 below. After we check the old files we separated those that can used as scratch papers those papers that were not needed anymore, After wards we shred it. :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

December 5, 2012

Early in the morning Ma'am Edz gave me a task together w/ my Co-OJT Gelic to re-arrange the office supplies on the CTS cabinet such as ball pen,crayon,scissor,pencil etx. After we arrange the office supplies Ma'am Edz gave a another task which was to give the ISF memo for speaker's of different department, This letters are need to be delivered urgently the ISF will be held next week & conformation of thier talk is very much important . ')

December 4

This day is my first day of my OJT at St. Luke's Medical Center. I was assigned to TDED (CTS) specifically the Corporate Training Section. Ma'am Edz oriented me about the rules and regulations of SLMC, After the orientation my Co-OJT Gelic taught me on how to use the equipment like photocopying machine and also she guided me on the routing of different department and division of SLMC! :)